It is really an old concept, yet still as powerful as ever. Do you remember the biblical quote, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you?" Positive is known to attract positive right? Well same goes for thoughts. When we visualize and repeat to ourselves the things we want that we know we can benefit from and add to our joie de vivre, you tap into the energy that brings such things to us. The clue is not to doubt ourselves and we will obtain our desired outcome. Write down or even cut out what it is you see in your life, whether it may be your dream job, your perfect vacation, your stresses gone and put it somewhere you can see it regularly and be reminded of your positive intention on a consistent basis, I keep mine in a mirror in my bedroom where as I do my makeup and hair I am reminded of what it is I will receive in life. Ask your Angels for faith and help opening the doors to make your dreams a reality.
Believe... and you will receive.

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