Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fear and Love

Fear is a often thought as a necessary emotion for our survival, but when fear gets in the way of everyday activities and emotions it is then when it becomes a problem- a negative drowning energy in our life that can cost us our relationships, our happiness and even our well-being. In order to let love flow we must not let fear block the current that is sent out when we demonstrate love. Fear can hinder, incapacitate and debilitate this current. Fear is often a crutch. We can think if we demonstrate the love we have for others we make ourselves vulnerable to being hurt. Be confident and accept that by giving our positive vibrations, blessings such as love is, to others you will not be hurt. Bless all those you encounter in your path, if you give love you will receive it in return. Ask Archangel Michael for strength, courage to lose that fear. Surround yourself with Angels. Let go of fear. Be love, give love and you will receive love. We all are love.
Angel Blessings,
Rev. Frances

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Miracles abound, you just have to open your heart and mind to them. Have faith that they are possible. With the strength of affirmative prayer, the guidance of the Angels and God anything can be accomplished no matter how big or small it might be as long as it is for the positive benefit of you or others lives. See your wish already manifested, your relationships healed, fill yourself with the light and glory of love and hope your Angels provide you with.
Don't doubt- BELIEVE.
The Angels would like to share with you a positive affirmation to remind yourself you do live in your most natural perfect state, as how God and your Angels see you.

My life flows with happiness and positive energy. I love, I am loved and I impart love. I forgive, I am forgiven. I give and I receive. I am filled with white light and protection. 
I am healed, I am happy, I am free. And so it is. Amen.
Angel Blessings,
Rev. Frances

Friday, November 11, 2011


Did you make a wish at 11:11?
Don't worry you still have one more chance.
May your day be filled with peace, love and blessings.
May the Angels light your path with divine guidance and comfort.
May you be free from any ties
Loved beyond belief
For you are a beautiful being.
You are loved.
Angel Blessings,
Rev. Frances

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Angel Oracle Readings

Let the angels hold your hand through the valleys of life. Let their wings cloak you and lift you through difficult or confusing times. Through my Guardian Archangel Chamuel and the protection of Archangel Michael, I can guide and advice you through an Angel card reading. This service is provided with any donation you feel in your heart to give. Please make sure to include your question and the names of those involved (if any) with your donation.
*Servicios Disponibles en EspaƱol.*
  • Life Purpose
  • Family
  • Relationships
  • Best Course
  • Job Related
  • Guidance
Thank you and Angel blessings to you.

18+ only. Services are non-denominational, non-diagnostic and do not include the practice of medicine, neither should they be considered as a substitute for licensed medical or psychological services or procedures. This service provided is for entertainment purposes only. By sending a request of prayer or Angel Card reading you understand that you are responsible for your own decisions and results.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Love in Apologies

We all have regrets, we all have hurt somebody. Our imperfect nature has led us to make some bad decisions that have been hurtful to others. Pride sometimes holds us back from making ammends. Sometimes we feel we were the ones that were wronged, but whatever the case may be, there is no greater step toward forgiveness than a heartfelt apology. 
It often takes some strength to muster up the words, "I'm sorry." Even if you were not at fault, an I am sorry can also mean, "I am sorry I let your words/actions hurt me. I see you with love, because I am blessed with love. I understand our imperfections, I forgive you."
Even when the other person does not forgive you, it is a wise decision to offer your apology to them. Releasing the weight of your hurtful actions is a great step toward showing love to others and yourself. You'll walk away feeling lighter and closer to God and your Angels by knowing you did something as humbling as saying a sincere "I'm sorry." That is one of the many faces of love. May you be blessed in white light and love.
Angel Blessing,
Rev. Frances

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Healing Power of Music

Have you ever felt down and all of a sudden a familiar song you enjoy comes on and you feel your spirits rise almost immediately? What you've experienced is the healing power of music!
We are all familiar with the soothing image of Archangel Gabriel and her copper trumpet and who can resist the sounds of harps and magical music of cherubic choirs! Here's a little known fact; did you know that Lucifer, the fallen angel, was the head of the ministry of music in Heaven? Of course he lost that privilege, but as you can see music has been an important part of the Angelic realm all through time so it is only obvious the healing and comforting qualities music plays in our lives.
Archangel Sandalphon is known also as the twin brother of Archangel Metatron. He is not only the tallest Angel, he is the Ambassador of Prayers and Master of Music. He is of grand inspiration to musicians, composers and singers. Through sound, music and song he elevates the effects of sound therapy aligning our souls, clearing, healing and raising the vibration of all those involved in Sound Therapy. Because his color and gemstone is turquoise, we can use this gem to amplify the power of his gifts to us. We can always call on Archangel Sandalphon to deliver our prayers and inspire us when working with sound or music as he is here to remind us the creative presence of divine spirit is all around us through celestial harmony and sacred song.
Angelic Blessings,
Rev. Frances

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Prayer to Start Our Week

May my fear and doubts be carried away upon angel wings to disappear in my past. May my worries dissipate along with distrust. May my heart, soul and mind be filled with love, as this allows me to see nothing but love in every living creature I encounter. May I forgive and be forgiven. May my home be blessed with peace and security. I know and believe that Angelic guidance is always available to lead me the way that will provide me with the best possible outcome, all I have to do is ask. And I am asking right now. May white light guide my path. And so it is.

Angel Blessings,
Rev. Frances 

Friday, November 4, 2011


We all at times have found ourselves stuck while making important decisions. When we let our ego decide for us, we tend to forget to question what it is our essence, our true self, really wants and needs at the moment.  Whether it may be a life lesson we have yet to learn or a spiritual calling we should pursue, with the help of our Angels we can be guided towards what it is that will fulfill our life purpose and make us happy and at peace mentally, emotionally and physically, healing our soul in more ways than one. With the guidance of Angels, I can help you define and discover your life purpose enriching your life and that of those around you in a positive way. Please click this LINK for more information. May your weekend be filled with positive energy, love, peace and healing. May the divine light of Angels envelop and protect you.
Angel Blessings,
Rev. Frances

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Power to Heal Is In You- Stay Positive

Did you know the greatest block to health and longevity is you? It's true. Everyday life and the stresses it often brings lead us to slowly contaminate our body, mind and clog our chakras with negative energy. Cardiac problems, anxiety and even the tendency to catch the common cold can all be avoided if we maintain a more positive outlook and energy infused in our every day lives. Meditate daily, give your soul a much needed cleansing break at least for five minutes a day. Hand over your stress and worries to your Angels, specially Archangel Raphael healer of all emotional and physical ailments,  and God in prayer and you will soon realize how easy it is for all the negative energy in our lives to be cleared and replaced with the healing effects of our positive mind. May you be healed.

Angel Blessings,
Rev. Frances

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

We Are Never Alone

We are never alone. Even before you were conceived, there was a spiritual presence waiting for you to evolve, to become the precious person you are now. God had blessed your path with angels long before you were here. You've always been protected, comforted in times of need and loved unconditionally, always. Along the way many of us forgot we were blessed with divine protection. When we encountered negative and difficult situations we concentrated on the crippling energy and forgot to ask for guidance from our Guardian Angels. We fed the negativity and in the process forgot to nurture our soul with protection and love. But it is never late, our Angels stand beside us 24/7. All you have to do is ask, believe, affirm and wait for the miracles that are to be.

Angel Blessings,
Rev. Frances